Tag Archives: Resources

Preparing Law Students for Real-World Practice

This short article summarizes a program entitled Pracademically Speaking:  Incorporating Real-World Legal Practice Into the Curriculum at the Legal Educators Colloquium during the annual conference of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution.  Debra Berman and Denise Peterson (South Texas College of Law Houston) and I gave the presentations. The article describes problems with legal curricula, … Continue reading Preparing Law Students for Real-World Practice

Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Mediation Skills

This short article uses Real Practice Systems (RPS) theory to identify things that mediators can do to improve their mediation skills. Mediators can begin by recognizing that they have a complex mediation practice system if they mediate regularly.  The article includes links to a short video and articles to help them understand their unique systems. … Continue reading Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Mediation Skills

Ready, Set, Mediate!

This post summarizes the discussion in a program entitled “Ready, Set, Mediate!” at the recent Court ADR Symposium.  The program about helping parties prepare for mediation sessions was part of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution’s annual conference.  This post includes the audience’s experiences of problems due to inadequate preparation for mediation sessions and a … Continue reading Ready, Set, Mediate!

Call for submissions: Pop Culture Simulations for Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Teaching

From Noam Ebner: Hi all, It was so great to see so many of you at ABA-DR! [including, those I got to see but not actually speak with, there was a lot going on…] I’m writing to share the call for simulations I announced at the conference’s Resource Share session with the wider listserv community. … Continue reading Call for submissions: Pop Culture Simulations for Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Teaching

Appreciating Elayne Greenberg’s Scholarship

Because scholars have academic freedom, we can write about anything we want, without direction by deans or clients.  So our choice of topics and perspectives is a good indicator of what we really care about. Over the years, I was struck by the eclectic mix of subjects that Elayne Greenberg wrote about.   A common thread … Continue reading Appreciating Elayne Greenberg’s Scholarship

Annual Resource Share at ABA Conference

From Sharon Press and Noam Ebner: Dear Colleagues We are pleased to announce that the Resource Share will take place on Friday, April 12 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm at the Section of Dispute Resolution Conference in San Diego.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing resources!  For those of you who are … Continue reading Annual Resource Share at ABA Conference

How Do You Want to Use the Real Practice Checklists?

I received many enthusiastic responses to my menu of mediation checklists, including that they are “interesting,” “informative,” “so very useful,” “really helpful,” “great,” “excellent,” “wonderful,” “fantastic,” “invaluable,” “impressive,” “very thorough,” “brilliant,” and “utterly awesome” resources.  “Just wow!” No kidding. The checklists are part of the Real Practice System Project.  Although it has focused particularly on … Continue reading How Do You Want to Use the Real Practice Checklists?

Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce a bibliography for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Real Practice Systems Project Menu of Mediation Checklists

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce checklists for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective work … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Menu of Mediation Checklists

Teaching Students to Focus on Party Decision-Making

I was thrilled that my recent post, Focus on Party Decision-Making, prompted a stimulating conversation on the DRLE listserv, including thoughtful comments by Mary Bedikian, Doug Frenkel, Dwight Golann, Deborah Hensler, Charlie Irvine, Andrew Mamo, Cash Nickerson, Peter Philips, Jim Stark, Jean Sternlight, Nancy Welsh, and Roselle Wissler. This post discusses some issues in the … Continue reading Teaching Students to Focus on Party Decision-Making