Tag Archives: Planned Early Dispute Resolution

ABA Adopts Policy Encouraging Early Dispute Resolution

At its midyear meeting, the ABA House of Delegates unanimously approved Resolution 500, which states: That the American Bar Association urges lawyers and all interested parties to increase the informed and voluntary use of Early Dispute Resolution: party-directed, non-adjudicative approaches to resolve disputes in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner, including, but not limited to, direct … Continue reading ABA Adopts Policy Encouraging Early Dispute Resolution

Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce a bibliography for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Dilyara Nigmatullina’s New Article on Planned Early Dispute Resolution and Technology

Dilyara Nigmatullina just published an article entitled, Planned Early Dispute Resolution Systems and Elements: Experiences and the Promise of Technology, in the Journal of International Dispute Settlement.  She is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) Faculty of Law, Law Enforcement Research Group. Here’s the abstract: The COVID-19 outbreak has severely impacted global … Continue reading Dilyara Nigmatullina’s New Article on Planned Early Dispute Resolution and Technology

Survey of Early Dispute Resolution Movements and Possible Next Steps

I recently gave a presentation to the ABA SDR’s Early Dispute Resolution Committee and I planned to write a blog post summarizing the presentation.  Well, that post grew into this paper, Survey of Early Dispute Resolution Movements and Possible Next Steps.  I have been studying EDR for 20 years and this overgrown blog post distills … Continue reading Survey of Early Dispute Resolution Movements and Possible Next Steps

Next Series of New York Law School Wednesday Conversations

From FPOI Peter Philips: We are pleased to announce the third series of this popular event. Every other Wednesday, New York Law School hosts informal discussions with leaders in the fields of conflict avoidance, management, and resolution. All sessions are free and will be held via Zoom. Please note the varying times of each program. … Continue reading Next Series of New York Law School Wednesday Conversations

Kluwer Mediation Blog Post on the Evolution of Mediation

I just became a guest writer for the Kluwer Mediation Blog, which features academics and practitioners from around the world.  I want to cross-pollinate Indisputably and KMB by encouraging subscribers of each blog to subscribe to the other.  I hope to stimulate conversations between our communities. My first KMB post is The Evolution To Planned … Continue reading Kluwer Mediation Blog Post on the Evolution of Mediation

Dispute Prevention and Early Dispute Resolution Framework

This is the final part of a three-part series on litigation interest and risk assessment (LIRA) and early dispute resolution procedures.  The first part explains how lawyers can use LIRA procedures to help clients make better decisions about litigation and negotiation.  The second part describes some early dispute resolution procedures, which can benefit from good … Continue reading Dispute Prevention and Early Dispute Resolution Framework

Early Dispute Resolution Processes

This is the second part of a three-part series on use of litigation interest and risk assessment (LIRA), growing out of a program at CPR’s annual meeting in February 2020. The first part of this series describes how to do LIRAs and includes results from a survey of participants in our program.  This part describes … Continue reading Early Dispute Resolution Processes

Planning for Good Quality Decision-Making in Mediation Using Two-Stage Mediation

Canadian mediator Rick Weiler wrote a blog post raising concerns about whether predominant model of commercial mediation using a single three- or six-hour session promotes good decision-making by litigants.  He wrote: The current commercial mediation model handed down over the past 30 years is working just fine for lawyers and mediators (not to mention the … Continue reading Planning for Good Quality Decision-Making in Mediation Using Two-Stage Mediation

30% Discount on ABA Books — Thru End of February

The ABA is offering a 30% discount on its 2017 books.  The discount is available only through the end of the month, so you need to act soon to take advantage of this offer. The Section of Dispute Resolution published the following books that qualify for this discount: ● Beyond Smart:  Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence … Continue reading 30% Discount on ABA Books — Thru End of February