Tag Archives: Technology

A Snapshot of How Mediators Use Technology These Days

I recently gave a presentation about how mediators use technology in their practices.  The program was organized by the Technology and Mediation Committees of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution and co-sponsored by seven other committees. I’m sure no tech expert but I used the program to collect data from practitioners who use technology in … Continue reading A Snapshot of How Mediators Use Technology These Days

Technology in Real Practice Systems

Love it or hate it – I sure feel both ways – technology is going to be an increasing part of our lives in the future. And that goes double for dispute resolution practitioners.  Dispute resolution is fundamentally about communication, and technological developments are rapidly revolutionizing how we communicate. I became more conscious of the … Continue reading Technology in Real Practice Systems

Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce a bibliography for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

A Proposal for the Joint Development of Generative AI for the Dispute Resolution Profession

From Gary Doernhoefer: Open AI’s very public unveiling of ChatGPT has launched the debate in many fields over how artificial intelligence (AI) could be put to good use, contrasted with its potential for misuse.  There is a path for the dispute resolution profession to lead as an example of responsible development of this technology.  First … Continue reading A Proposal for the Joint Development of Generative AI for the Dispute Resolution Profession

Please Take the ABA Survey on Use of Technology in ADR

From Gary Doernhoefer: The impact of new technology is being felt in every profession.  To consider the future of technology in dispute resolution, we need to start with a snapshot of how practitioners currently use technology and their attitudes about its future application to the profession. Please help us gain these insights by taking 10 … Continue reading Please Take the ABA Survey on Use of Technology in ADR

Two Extraordinary AI and ADR Events

Mediate.com is sponsoring an online Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Mediation Conference on April 18-19.  They have lined up an incredible cast of long-time leaders in the fields of technology and dispute resolution.  Click here for the website with information about the presenters and agenda and to register. The First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Access … Continue reading Two Extraordinary AI and ADR Events

AI, ADR, and Anxiety

This post started as a response to Jen Reynolds’s comment about my Avatar Mediation post.  It has grown into this new post about AI generally, growing anxiety about it and the state of the world, and how we can manage this anxiety. AI Risks . . . and Potential Benefits Jen wrote, “I hope that … Continue reading AI, ADR, and Anxiety

Avatar Mediation

I’m sure no techie, but probably like you, I have been intrigued about stories about the ChatGPT program.  One illustration was in my post, A Mediator and a Bot Walk into a Bar … Of course, artificial intelligence almost certainly will become much more sophisticated in the foreseeable future.  Major tech firms have been working … Continue reading Avatar Mediation