Tag Archives: Dispute Resolution Practice

A Snapshot of How Mediators Use Technology These Days

I recently gave a presentation about how mediators use technology in their practices.  The program was organized by the Technology and Mediation Committees of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution and co-sponsored by seven other committees. I’m sure no tech expert but I used the program to collect data from practitioners who use technology in … Continue reading A Snapshot of How Mediators Use Technology These Days

ABA Adopts Policy Encouraging Early Dispute Resolution

At its midyear meeting, the ABA House of Delegates unanimously approved Resolution 500, which states: That the American Bar Association urges lawyers and all interested parties to increase the informed and voluntary use of Early Dispute Resolution: party-directed, non-adjudicative approaches to resolve disputes in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner, including, but not limited to, direct … Continue reading ABA Adopts Policy Encouraging Early Dispute Resolution

Helping Mediators Do the Best Mediation They Can

Helping You Do the Best Mediation You Can is Part 2 of a two-part series presenting action research about factors affecting mediators’ individual practice systems and how they can improve their systems. Part 1 describes a study of mediators at well-received educational programs to help them learn why they developed their particular practice systems and … Continue reading Helping Mediators Do the Best Mediation They Can

Real Lawyering Practice Systems

So far, my pieces in the Real Practice Systems Project have focused on mediation.  The theory is not limited to mediation, and this post applies it to lawyering. In the mediation context, the theory argues that mediators have unique practice systems that grow out of their personal histories, values, goals, motivations, knowledge, and skills as … Continue reading Real Lawyering Practice Systems

Technology in Real Practice Systems

Love it or hate it – I sure feel both ways – technology is going to be an increasing part of our lives in the future. And that goes double for dispute resolution practitioners.  Dispute resolution is fundamentally about communication, and technological developments are rapidly revolutionizing how we communicate. I became more conscious of the … Continue reading Technology in Real Practice Systems

Practitioners Tell Why Real Practice System Checklists Are So Useful

The Real Practice System Menu of Mediation Checklists received many rave reviews.  People said that they are “interesting,” “informative,” “so very useful,” “really helpful,” “great,” “excellent,” “wonderful,” “fantastic,” “invaluable,” “impressive,” “very thorough,” “brilliant,” and “utterly awesome” resources.  “Just wow!” I identified numerous ways that the checklists could be used by practitioners, program administrators, and faculty, … Continue reading Practitioners Tell Why Real Practice System Checklists Are So Useful

Tom Valenti:  Using Real Practice Systems Checklists in Practice and Teaching

Tom Valenti is a Chicago-based conflict resolution specialist offering mediation, arbitration, and facilitation services and training.  He also is a humanitarian activist who is a co-founder of Mediation Beyond Borders.  He co-leads the Athens Migration Dialogue Project, which helps local communities to design, organize and conduct dialogues that address difficult and dangerous issues, such as … Continue reading Tom Valenti:  Using Real Practice Systems Checklists in Practice and Teaching

How Do You Want to Use the Real Practice Checklists?

I received many enthusiastic responses to my menu of mediation checklists, including that they are “interesting,” “informative,” “so very useful,” “really helpful,” “great,” “excellent,” “wonderful,” “fantastic,” “invaluable,” “impressive,” “very thorough,” “brilliant,” and “utterly awesome” resources.  “Just wow!” No kidding. The checklists are part of the Real Practice System Project.  Although it has focused particularly on … Continue reading How Do You Want to Use the Real Practice Checklists?

Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce a bibliography for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Annotated Bibliography

Real Practice Systems Project Menu of Mediation Checklists

Gary Doernhoefer, the founder of ADR Notable, suggested that I produce checklists for its users.  ADR Notable is an app providing case management software to help mediators handle case intake, bill clients, manage client documents, develop checklists and task reminders, take notes, build documents, and manage client relationships generally. Gary recognized that our respective work … Continue reading Real Practice Systems Project Menu of Mediation Checklists