Tag Archives: Dispute Resolution Practice

Teaching Students to Focus on Party Decision-Making

I was thrilled that my recent post, Focus on Party Decision-Making, prompted a stimulating conversation on the DRLE listserv, including thoughtful comments by Mary Bedikian, Doug Frenkel, Dwight Golann, Deborah Hensler, Charlie Irvine, Andrew Mamo, Cash Nickerson, Peter Philips, Jim Stark, Jean Sternlight, Nancy Welsh, and Roselle Wissler. This post discusses some issues in the … Continue reading Teaching Students to Focus on Party Decision-Making

How Can Courts – Practically for Free – Help Parties Prepare for Mediation Sessions?

If there’s anything approaching unanimity in our field, it’s that it’s important to prepare in dispute resolution processes like mediation. So it’s almost boring to write about it.  But I found some things that should be interesting and helpful for parties, practitioners, and mediation program administrators. Last December, I wrote a short article, The Critical … Continue reading How Can Courts – Practically for Free – Help Parties Prepare for Mediation Sessions?

How The Real Practice Systems Project Can Help Improve Mediation Quality

Improving mediation quality is tricky.  This post describes how the Real Practice Systems Project can help. In Principles for Policymaking about Collaborative Law and Other ADR Processes, I argued that policymakers generally should consider non-regulatory policy options before adopting new rules. Non-regulatory approaches include training for disputants and professionals, dispute referral mechanisms, technical assistance for ADR … Continue reading How The Real Practice Systems Project Can Help Improve Mediation Quality

Would You Like to Get the Benefit of the Real Practice Systems Project and Share Your Experiences?

I am doing a research study entitled “Assessment of Real Practice Systems Experience” to assess how well Real Practice Systems assignments and exercises have worked in courses, trainings, and continuing education programs as well as for individual practitioners.  I’m writing to invite you to participate in this study. In this document, I describe how faculty … Continue reading Would You Like to Get the Benefit of the Real Practice Systems Project and Share Your Experiences?

More Ways to Help Students Understand Dispute Resolution Practice

I developed a variety of assignments that faculty can use to help students better understand mediation, advocacy in mediation, negotiation, or other regular procedures. The assignments grow out of my article, Real Mediation Systems to Help Parties and Mediators Achieve Their Goals in the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution. You might assign students to read … Continue reading More Ways to Help Students Understand Dispute Resolution Practice

Using Real Practice Systems Resources in Practice

This post describes how mediators can use ideas and materials from the Real Practice Systems Project to better understand and improve their own mediation systems.  Mediators’ practice systems are the combination of factors affecting what they do before, during, and after mediation sessions.  These systems include their routine procedures and strategies for dealing with recurring … Continue reading Using Real Practice Systems Resources in Practice

Resources for Using Real Practice Systems Materials in Teaching

This post describes how faculty can use ideas and materials from the Real Practice Systems Project to help students get realistic understandings of practice.  I initially focused on mediation systems, which are the combination of factors affecting what mediators do before, during, and after mediation sessions.  These systems include their routine procedures and strategies for … Continue reading Resources for Using Real Practice Systems Materials in Teaching

Ten Real Mediation Systems

This short article presents accounts of ten mediators about the factors affecting how we handle continuing streams of mediations – our mediation systems.  These systems are the combination of factors affecting what mediators do before, during, and after mediation sessions.  The systems include their routine procedures and strategies for dealing with recurring challenging situations. The … Continue reading Ten Real Mediation Systems

Alyson Carrel Program on Sept 1:  ADR As A First Career: It Is Possible!

The Association for Conflict Resolution of Greater New York and the City University of New York Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College will host a Virtual Roundtable Breakfast entitled, “ADR As a First Career: It Is Possible!” featuring Alyson Carrel.  She is clinical professor at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and co-director of its … Continue reading Alyson Carrel Program on Sept 1:  ADR As A First Career: It Is Possible!

Canaries in the Litigation Coal Mine

Early coal mines didn’t have good ventilation, and miners were at risk from dangerous gases in the mines.  So miners would bring canaries into the mines because they were sensitive to the gases and provided a warning of danger.  The canaries would sing until they died from the gases.  When they stopped singing, miners knew … Continue reading Canaries in the Litigation Coal Mine