Tag Archives: Collaborative Practice

Canaries in the Litigation Coal Mine

Early coal mines didn’t have good ventilation, and miners were at risk from dangerous gases in the mines.  So miners would bring canaries into the mines because they were sensitive to the gases and provided a warning of danger.  The canaries would sing until they died from the gases.  When they stopped singing, miners knew … Continue reading Canaries in the Litigation Coal Mine

Mosten and Cordover’s New Collaborative Law Book

You probably know – or at least know of – Forrest (Woody) Mosten.  He is the award-winning mediator, lawyer, and peacemaker who is called the “father of unbundling,” referring to the process of offering legal clients discrete services as distinct from a complete bundled representation, as lawyers traditionally provide.  He also is a prominent collaborative … Continue reading Mosten and Cordover’s New Collaborative Law Book

Fabulous TED Talk by David Hoffman on Lawyers as Peacemakers

Thanks to Kim Wright, at Cutting Edge Law, I learned about a wonderful TED talk that David Hoffman gave: Lawyers as Peacemakers. Really?!? Yes, Really. It describes his personal journey from a hippie seeking social justice to lawyer who sometimes litigated to full-time peacemaker practicing mediation and collaborative law (CL).  It is an inspiring talk, … Continue reading Fabulous TED Talk by David Hoffman on Lawyers as Peacemakers