Tag Archives: Technology

Are You Ready to Apply Unequivocal Research Findings That Students’ Use of Laptops in Class Reduces Learning?

University of Michigan Education Professor Susan Dynarski wrote a compelling article in the New York Times, Laptops Are Great. But Not During a Lecture or a Meeting. She cites research finding that when students use laptops in class, they not only reduce their own learning, but they also reduce the learning of nearby students. The … Continue reading Are You Ready to Apply Unequivocal Research Findings That Students’ Use of Laptops in Class Reduces Learning?

Drop Everything and Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right Now

I generally prefer not to tell people what to do.  So perhaps I should reframe the title of this post to “If You Don’t Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right This Minute, You Will Hate Yourself Forever.” I refer to Noam Ebner’s article, Negotiation is Changing, which is part of the Tower of Babel symposium.  He has … Continue reading Drop Everything and Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right Now

Please Put Away Your Damn Phone and Pay Attention

Good. Now I have your attention . . . for the nanosecond before you check your Facebook page. I just read two articles about the difficulties of “single-tasking,” aka paying attention. A cute piece in the New York Times identifies a number of problems with multi-tasking with electronic devices and quotes psychologist Kelly McGonigal who … Continue reading Please Put Away Your Damn Phone and Pay Attention

Want a Smarter Group? Add More Women

That’s one of the conclusions in an op-ed in the New York Times today.  Researchers Anita Woolley, Thomas W. Malone, and Christopher Chabris did a series of studies finding that the “smartest” teams (measured by performance in logical analysis, brainstorming, coordination, planning and moral reasoning) were distinguished by three characteristics. First, their members contributed more … Continue reading Want a Smarter Group? Add More Women