Tag Archives: Conventional Wisdom

In Praise of (Good) Disagreements

As they say, if two people always agree, one of them is unnecessary. It may seem odd that I advocate for more disagreements in a blog named Indisputably.  But that’s exactly what I’m doing.  Actually, just more good disagreements. Dying Art of Disagreement This post riffs on a column by New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, … Continue reading In Praise of (Good) Disagreements

Drop Everything and Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right Now

I generally prefer not to tell people what to do.  So perhaps I should reframe the title of this post to “If You Don’t Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right This Minute, You Will Hate Yourself Forever.” I refer to Noam Ebner’s article, Negotiation is Changing, which is part of the Tower of Babel symposium.  He has … Continue reading Drop Everything and Read Noam’s Masterpiece Right Now

Schedule for the Tower of Babel Symposium

The University of Missouri’s symposium, Moving Negotiation Theory from the Tower of Babel Toward a World of Mutual Understanding, will take place on Friday, October 7, from 9 am to noon Central Time. We recently set the schedule for the symposium, as follows. 9 am – Definition and Scope of Negotiation – and Why Theory … Continue reading Schedule for the Tower of Babel Symposium

Fear and Negotiation

I can’t resist commenting on Andrea’s lighthearted post showing a sign at a Starbuck’s with President John F. Kennedy’s famous statement, “Let us never negotiate out of fear.  But let us never fear to negotiate!” This reminds me of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s statement, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I … Continue reading Fear and Negotiation

Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It

I think that it is accurate to say that at the ABA DR Section Conference we had a lively session entitled, “Everything You Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Can You Handle the Truth?” (At least it was lively for those who were able to squeeze into the room and not for the people … Continue reading Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It

Everything You Know about Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Can You Handle the Truth?

You are cordially invited to this program at the ABA conference in Seattle, which will take place on Friday, April 17, from 3-4:15, in the Orcas Room. My partners in crime for this caper are Alyson Carrel, Jim Coben, and Noam Ebner. Here’s the idea for our program – How many times have you heard … Continue reading Everything You Know about Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Can You Handle the Truth?