Call for submissions: Pop Culture Simulations for Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Teaching

From Noam Ebner:

Hi all,

It was so great to see so many of you at ABA-DR! [including, those I got to see but not actually speak with, there was a lot going on…]

I’m writing to share the call for simulations I announced at the conference’s Resource Share session with the wider listserv community.

I’ll be editing a collection of simulations for teaching negotiation and conflict resolution topics in academic and professional training settings.

The twist?  These simulations’ scenarios will all be set in pop culture “settings.”  The goal of drawing on these settings is to enhance participant motivation, role identification, and practice of empathy.  Authors will choose a popular movie, TV series, etc., and design a negotiation or conflict resolution scenario taking place in that world.

Submissions are due by September 30th, 2024.  Accepted simulations will be part of a collection on the new DRI Lab site and published as a book by DRI Press.

Here’s the full call.  If you’re interested in participating, check in with me and I’ll send you a guide to writing for this collection detailing the shared format all simulations are to follow (simulation description, role material, teaching notes, etc.).  For more information, to run an idea by me, or whatever, write me at

Take good care – Noam

Noam Ebner
Professor of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Creighton University

***On June 30th, 2024, I’ll be leaving Creighton University to seek other adventures.  Please note my email to ensure we never lose touch.***