Tag Archives: Dispute Resolution Practice

Fabulous TED Talk by David Hoffman on Lawyers as Peacemakers

Thanks to Kim Wright, at Cutting Edge Law, I learned about a wonderful TED talk that David Hoffman gave: Lawyers as Peacemakers. Really?!? Yes, Really. It describes his personal journey from a hippie seeking social justice to lawyer who sometimes litigated to full-time peacemaker practicing mediation and collaborative law (CL).  It is an inspiring talk, … Continue reading Fabulous TED Talk by David Hoffman on Lawyers as Peacemakers

Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 5

Heather and I have been talking about what law schools can do to help students develop “ADR careers.”  In our last episode,  Heather responded to my question about what she meant by ADR careers and she suggested that it may be more useful to focus on skills than specific jobs.  (In that post, you can … Continue reading Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 5

Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 4

This conversation began with my questioning Heather Kulp about her series of posts in which she critiqued what she saw as some fallacies about ADR jobs.   Heather responded, reflecting her sense of obligation to help students interested in ADR to get jobs. When we last left the conversation, I started by identifying things I … Continue reading Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 4

New Client Interviewing and Counseling Video Resources

From producers of incredible educational resources, Marjorie Aaron and Dwight Golann: Dear colleagues, We are writing to let you know of new video resources available for teaching interviewing and counseling, skills we think are key to effective dispute resolution.  The videos come with roleplay instructions;  you can download them at no charge for classroom use. … Continue reading New Client Interviewing and Counseling Video Resources

Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 3

Last week, I posted Heather’s latest contribution to our conversation about ADR Careers.  Here’s my response. _______ Thanks for all your kind words, Heather.  You give me way too much credit.  But why argue? Indeed, let me summarize some of the things I think we agree about.  First, we both want to help law students … Continue reading Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 3

Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 2

Awake readers will recall that Michael posted a series of posts by  Heather Kulp about giving advice to students about developing ADR careers and that I wrote a response to Heather to start a conversation.  (The links to Heather’s original posts are in my response.)  Back from winter break, here’s Heather’s response. _______________ John, It’s … Continue reading Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 2

IMI Wants YOU to Complete this Survey

My colleague, S.I. Strong, forwarded this message: The International Mediation Institute (“IMI”), a non-profit standards body, is conducting international census research on the state of mediation today. The survey will be screening the following perspectives: • Those who (may) use mediation (“Users”) • Those who (may) recommend using mediation as an external counsel, consultant, or … Continue reading IMI Wants YOU to Complete this Survey

Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 1

Michael posted a five-part series – parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 – by Heather Kulp, entitled “Fallacies About ADR Careers?”  I have some reactions to her series and we are going to have a conversation online.  This is the first part in our conversation.   Stay tuned for Heather’s response.  And feel free to … Continue reading Conversation with Heather Kulp About ADR Careers – Part 1

Request for Comments on My Last Lecture

Several weeks ago, I posted an item about an article with advice for law students (and, to some extent, lawyers):  My Last Lecture: More Unsolicited Advice for Future and Current Lawyers. I would love to get any comments or suggestions about the things that students do to drive you crazy (crazier?) and what they might … Continue reading Request for Comments on My Last Lecture

Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It

I think that it is accurate to say that at the ABA DR Section Conference we had a lively session entitled, “Everything You Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Can You Handle the Truth?” (At least it was lively for those who were able to squeeze into the room and not for the people … Continue reading Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It