Tag Archives: Dispute Resolution Field

Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 6

This conversation started with my post about planned early dispute resolution (PEDR).  My friend, Peter Benner, and I exchanged comments in that post.  Here are links to Part 2-ish, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 in this conversation.   I had some questions about Peter’s last post.  Here I pose the questions and Peter responded. … Continue reading Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 6

Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 5

This conversation started with my post about planned early dispute resolution (PEDR).  My friend, Peter Benner, and I exchanged comments in that post.  Here are links to Part 2-ish, Part 3, and Part 4 in this conversation.  This is Peter’s response to my last post. ________________________________________________ In your question of whether we may be in … Continue reading Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 5

Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 4

This conversation started with my post about planned early dispute resolution (PEDR). My friend, Peter Benner, and I exchanged comments in that post.  Here are links to Part 2-ish and Part 3 in this conversation. _______________________________________________________________ Peter, I think that your post helps move us closer to understanding the motivations of the players in corporate … Continue reading Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 4

Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 3

This conversation started with my post about planned early dispute resolution (PEDR).  My friend, Peter Benner, and I exchanged comments in that post.  Because we decided to continue this conversation for a while, I am posting our ideas in new posts, starting with the last one (Part 2-ish).  Here is Peter’s response to my last … Continue reading Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 3

Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 2-ish

Alert readers have noticed that Peter Benner and I have been having a conversation about planned early dispute resolution (PEDR) in the comments to a recent post of mine on the subject. Peter, a mediator and ironman, is a friend with whom I share an interest in encouraging lawyers and parties – especially businesses – … Continue reading Conversation with Peter Benner about PEDR, Part 2-ish

Coben and Welsh Want Your Favorite Number

Jim Coben, on behalf of himself and Nancy Welsh, is circulating the following request. Dear Colleagues: I write to appeal to the “hive-mind” on behalf of the Dispute Resolution Magazine.  In the upcoming fall issue, we are planning to include a “numbers” teaser box.  More specifically, it’s an opportunity to feature interesting statistics and/or other … Continue reading Coben and Welsh Want Your Favorite Number

Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It

I think that it is accurate to say that at the ABA DR Section Conference we had a lively session entitled, “Everything You Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Can You Handle the Truth?” (At least it was lively for those who were able to squeeze into the room and not for the people … Continue reading Everything I Know About Dispute Resolution is Wrong – Especially What You Say About It

What is (A)DR About?

Does ADR include trials? I know, I know. This sounds like another one of my dumb questions. Although I have a pretty broad conception of DR, my initial reaction was that trial is one of the few procedures I would exclude from DR. As described below, on reflection, I probably would include trials. More importantly, … Continue reading What is (A)DR About?

Where I’m Coming From . . . and Want to See Us Go

As I embark on this blog, it might be helpful to lay out my general perspective, which is probably similar to some of your views. This post (and probably some of my future posts) is different and longer than the norm, but hopefully you will find it worth your time to read. I came of … Continue reading Where I’m Coming From . . . and Want to See Us Go