Getting off to A Good Start – Empirical Findings on the Early Stages of Mediation

For the past several years, Roselle Wissler (Arizona State) and I have been reporting findings about the early stages of mediation from online survey data collected (pre-pandemic) from over 1000 private and court-based mediators in 8 states across the country. Our latest article from this data set, Mediators’ Views of What Can Be Achieved Better … Continue reading Getting off to A Good Start – Empirical Findings on the Early Stages of Mediation

The Deplorable Vanishing of Fox’s Trial

I just wrote another short piece you might want to read, The Deplorable Vanishing of Fox’s Trial.  Here’s the abstract. About 20 years ago, there was a flurry of worries about “the vanishing trial.”  Professor Marc Galanter described trials as having the potential for “deep accountability” where facts are exposed and responsibility is assessed.  The … Continue reading The Deplorable Vanishing of Fox’s Trial

AAA-ICDR Foundation Presents Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Lessons Learned from Ukraine, May 3rd 6-8pm

From Tracey Frisch, Senior Counsel, AAA: Please join the AAA-ICDR Foundation and grantee Mediators Beyond Borders International for a special presentation by Ukrainian social psychologist, Dr. Iryna Eihelson. The talk will focus on the importance of trauma-informed practices when working with people affected by humanitarian crises. Dr. Eihelson’s observations are informed by her experience as … Continue reading AAA-ICDR Foundation Presents Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Lessons Learned from Ukraine, May 3rd 6-8pm

2023 ABA Representation in Mediation Competition – National Finals Round

Rishi Batra (St. Mary’s) kindly provides us with a run-down of last weekend’s National Finals Round of the ABA Representation in Mediation Competition.  Thanks to Rishi, A.J. Bellido de Luna, the competition committee, and the entire team at St. Mary’s for doing a great job running the competition.  And, congratulations to all who made it … Continue reading 2023 ABA Representation in Mediation Competition – National Finals Round

St. John’s Carey Center Award Ceremony on April 19, 2023

From Elayne Greenberg: Please join us online as we present the St. John’s University School of Law Carey Center’s 2023 Dispute Resolution Advancement Award to Professors Jessica Bregant, Jennifer K. Robbennolt, and Verity Winship.  They  will discuss the award-winning research reported in their Harvard Negotiation Law Review article, “Perceptions of Settlement.”  Read more about this year’s award winners. Starting with the premise that little is … Continue reading St. John’s Carey Center Award Ceremony on April 19, 2023

Problem-Resolution Lawyering Across the Twenty-First Century Law Curriculum

I just saw that two very impressive people in our field, Kris Franklin and Peter Phillips, wrote an excellent article, Pass the Salt: Problem-Resolution Lawyering Across the Twenty-First Century Law Curriculum, 23 Pepp. Disp. Resol. L.J. 1 (2023), building on the work that many of us have done.  Here’s the abstract: Attorneys work with clients … Continue reading Problem-Resolution Lawyering Across the Twenty-First Century Law Curriculum

Ambassador Katherine Tai–and the (Sexist Racist) Assumptions About Negotiation Skills

I am delighted to link to Bob Bordone’s analysis of a viral exchange earlier this month between USTR Ambassador Katherine Tai and U.S. Congressman Greg Murphy (R-NC).   Short take:  Murphy calls Tai “too nice” to be an effective negotiator, highlighting outdated and incorrect gender and racial tropes.  Moreover, the Congressman is both wrong on the facts … Continue reading Ambassador Katherine Tai–and the (Sexist Racist) Assumptions About Negotiation Skills

A Proposal for the Joint Development of Generative AI for the Dispute Resolution Profession

From Gary Doernhoefer: Open AI’s very public unveiling of ChatGPT has launched the debate in many fields over how artificial intelligence (AI) could be put to good use, contrasted with its potential for misuse.  There is a path for the dispute resolution profession to lead as an example of responsible development of this technology.  First … Continue reading A Proposal for the Joint Development of Generative AI for the Dispute Resolution Profession

The Importance of Really Listening – For Ourselves, Others, and Democracy

I recently posted a short article you might want to read, The Importance of Really Listening – For Ourselves, Others, and Democracy.  Here’s the abstract. This article discusses how listening carefully can help others and ourselves and is important for healthy democratic processes.  Relying on Kathryn Schulz’s book, Being Wrong:  Adventures in the Margin of … Continue reading The Importance of Really Listening – For Ourselves, Others, and Democracy

Last Event in UC Law SF’s 2023 ADR Speaker Series

Please join us for our last event on April 18, 2023.  Our speaker is Bruce Edwards, whose talk is entitled, “Mediation Begins with Me: A Look at Self-Reflection, Self-Management, and Self-Compassion.” Bruce has been an industry pioneer in developing the field of alternative dispute resolution. As a founding partner of JAMS, he has worked at … Continue reading Last Event in UC Law SF’s 2023 ADR Speaker Series