RSI is Hiring a Researcher

From Jen Shack, the director of research for Resolution Systems Institute (RSI), which is a fabulous organization doing great work in our field: RSI is looking for a new PhD researcher to join our expanding research and evaluation department. We’re looking for someone who is interested in qualitative research, including focus groups, interviews, mediation observations, … Continue reading RSI is Hiring a Researcher

Greetings, All!

I am the the world’s biggest fan of, and I am delighted to be able to serve as the “team nerd” helping with some of the WordPress configuration and editorial management (and maybe put in a few posts here and there along the way). Thanks for welcoming me in to the Indisputably community.

No Surprise Here: Ninth Circuit Rules that California’s AB51, Criminalizing “Forced” Arbitration is Preempted

The first paragraph of the Ninth Circuit’s decisions says it all:“California enacted Assembly Bill 51 (AB 51) to protect employees from what it called “forced arbitration” by making it a criminal offense for an employer to require an existing employee or an applicant for employment to consent to arbitrate specified claims as a condition of … Continue reading No Surprise Here: Ninth Circuit Rules that California’s AB51, Criminalizing “Forced” Arbitration is Preempted

The Gift of Really Listening

New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote a touching essay about his reactions to a lifelong friend’s struggle with depression and ultimate suicide. Mr. Brooks gave Pete advice about how to deal with his depression – and found that his efforts were counterproductive. It’s only later that I read that when you give a depressed … Continue reading The Gift of Really Listening

A Mediator and a Bot Walk into a Bar …

Some of you know John Stephens, a colleague at the University of North Carolina School of Government, who has focused on conflict resolution for his long career.  Like many of us, he was intrigued by ChatGPT and gave the following prompt and got the following response. Describe and contrast three main models of mediation for … Continue reading A Mediator and a Bot Walk into a Bar …

January: Freudenfreude

The word of the month for January is “freudenfreude.” Freudenfreude, as explained in this New York Times article, is the opposite of schadenfreude. Whereas schadenfreude is defined as “the pleasure we feel when witnessing someone’s misfortune” (presumably, someone we think deserves their misfortune), freudenfreude is rejoicing in someone else’s happiness. Freudenfreude is associated with numerous … Continue reading January: Freudenfreude