Humor Theory and Dispute Resolution

Who knew that humor theory was a thing?  Philosophical theory, no less. I sure didn’t. Not until I took Audible’s “Great Course,” Take My Course, Please!  The Philosophy of Humor, taught by Gettysburg College Philosophy Professor Steven Gimbel. When I stopped teaching courses, it left a lotta empty time on my hands.  So I decided … Continue reading Humor Theory and Dispute Resolution

Daniel Kahneman

Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman died on March 27.  He and his colleague, Amos Tversky, published foundational studies in behavioral economics demonstrating that people inevitably have numerous cognitive biases.  They upended dominant theories that people simply act rationally to carefully maximize their self-interest.  In our dispute resolution field, we rely on their insights to help people … Continue reading Daniel Kahneman

Call for Submissions – Best Scholarly Award from the AALS ADR Section

Cribbing from the announcement recently sent by Donna Shestowsky (UC-Davis) via the listserv.  Good luck !! The AALS Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution invites submissions for its annual “Best Scholarly Article” Award.  This award will recognize the best dispute resolution article published in a law review or other academic journal, in print or online, bearing a 2023 volume date.  The Section began presenting this award in … Continue reading Call for Submissions – Best Scholarly Award from the AALS ADR Section

ASU / ICC Program in Washington D.C. – Flying into the Future with Aerospace & Aviation Arbitration

If you’re in the DC area and interested in international arbitration, join us and the ICC as we host a program entitled Flying into the Future with Aerospace & Aviation Arbitration. The program is free of charge (!!) on Thursday April 4, 2004 at 5:30pm at the ASU Barrett and O’Connor Washington Center in DC. … Continue reading ASU / ICC Program in Washington D.C. – Flying into the Future with Aerospace & Aviation Arbitration

My Appreciation – Part 1

I am very honored to receive the ABA Dispute Resolution Section’s award for outstanding scholarly work this year – and all the congratulations from friends and colleagues in our field. It is particularly flattering considering the great number of folks in our community who deserve recognition for their valuable scholarship and other important work. This … Continue reading My Appreciation – Part 1

Washington State Follows Oregon and Wisconsin by Approving Alternatives to Bar Exam

“The Washington Supreme Court has adopted alternative pathways to a law license, becoming the second state to do so in a little more than four months,” according to this ABA Journal article.  The Court approved three ways to bypass a bar exam in Washington state, with different standards for law school graduates, law students and … Continue reading Washington State Follows Oregon and Wisconsin by Approving Alternatives to Bar Exam

AAA-ICDR and JAMS Foundations Support Ray Corollary Initiative

From FOI Tracy Frisch, Senior Counsel for AAA: I wanted to take a moment to bring this important development to your attention (and your inboxes!) Yesterday, the AAA-ICDR Foundation and the JAMS Foundation announced that they have partnered to create a joint grant of $750,000 to support the Ray Corollary Initiative (RCI, Inc.), and all … Continue reading AAA-ICDR and JAMS Foundations Support Ray Corollary Initiative

Frank Sander Innovation in ADR Award Recipients 2024

The ABA Section of Dispute Resolution has announced its 2024 recipients of the Frank Sander Innovation in ADR Award. I had the honor again of serving on the selection committee, and I was again humbled by the extraordinary range of innovative work being done in (and adjacent) to our field. One of this year’s recipients … Continue reading Frank Sander Innovation in ADR Award Recipients 2024

John Lande to Receive the ABA DR Section’s Outstanding Scholar Award

I’m happy to announce that one of Indisputably’s own John Lande (Missouri) will be receiving the Outstanding Scholar Award from the ABA’s Dispute Resolution Section.  From his early works in family mediation to his current focus of professionalism in the field (many blog posts on this topic!), John has made a major contribution.  Much deserved … Continue reading John Lande to Receive the ABA DR Section’s Outstanding Scholar Award

The Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution’s Annual International Advocate for Peace Award–Richard Haass–Ceremony on March 27th

The Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (CJCR) of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law is pleased to announce that Dr. Richard Haass, international relations scholar and president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, will receive the 23rd International Advocate for Peace Award (IAP) this year on March 27, 2024. He will be sharing … Continue reading The Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution’s Annual International Advocate for Peace Award–Richard Haass–Ceremony on March 27th