Virtual Symposium on Getting Speaking Engagements in DR

From PFOI S.I. Strong:

Dear all

As you know, I moderate the Young-OGEMID listserve, which is dedicated to junior scholars and practitioners interested in matters relating to international arbitration.  We are following up last year’s inaugural “virtual symposium” on how junior people can get published (and why they should want to) with a second such symposium on how and why to get speaking engagements.  YO is free and is open to students (including LLMs and JDs) and to junior academics, and is a great way to engage in an open debate about substantive and career-oriented issues without the watchful eye of more senior people.

Young-OGEMID is a free listserv associated with the Transnational Dispute Management law journal and is aimed at students and (junior) associates and academics.  Interested and eligible parties can apply for free membership by clicking here.

Please also feel free to pass this information along to your students and recent graduates.

The blurb for the upcoming virtual symposium is as follows:

Young-OGEMID’s second virtual symposium discusses how junior lawyers can get a speaking slot at a professional or academic conference on international arbitration.  Speakers come from around the world (Austria, Canada, Hong Kong and the United States) and discuss various issues of interest, including how organizers pick speakers, how to get noticed by conference organizers, and how speaking engagements can help your career.  The symposium will run from February 8 to February 17.


All best,

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