Discussions in Dispute Resolution: The Next Generation

Indisputably contributors Andrea Schneider, Sarah Cole, and I are at it again beginning work on Discussions in Dispute Resolution: The Next Generation, the 2nd book in the Discussions in Dispute Resolution series (order the first one here or here).  The book will be a commentary on 16 essential ADR articles for the years 2000-2009, and … Continue reading Discussions in Dispute Resolution: The Next Generation

Go Forth and Argue

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens was the commencement speaker at the University of Chicago, and he published his speech, Go Forth and Argue. Arguing may seem like the antithesis of negotiation and mediation.  But it’s not – at least not if we sincerely listen to others with differing views, are open to reconsidering our … Continue reading Go Forth and Argue

June: NPT

The word of the month for June is NPT, which stands for “non-promotable task.” I have just finished reading The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work (2022), by Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart. The starting point of the book is a group of women who start meeting to … Continue reading June: NPT

Robbennolt, Bregant, and Winship on the Fox/Dominion Settlement

Jen Robbennolt, Jessie Bregant, and Verity Winship have been commenting on the Fox/Dominion settlement, linking it to their recent work on how the public perceives and understands settlement.  They suggest that for all that is notable about the settlement, including the record-breaking dollar amount, its non-acknowledgement acknowledgement, and its implications for media and democracy, public … Continue reading Robbennolt, Bregant, and Winship on the Fox/Dominion Settlement

What About Us? Leading in Law School Using ADR Skills

Last Wednesday’s Legal Educators’ Colloquium of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Annual Spring Conference, this year in Las Vegas, featured some wonderful panels on all things “ADR Law Prof.” Besides reuniting in person with our fantastic community, I also spoke on a panel which focused on using ADR Skills as a law school leader. … Continue reading What About Us? Leading in Law School Using ADR Skills

May: Akimbo

The word of the month for May is “akimbo.” Akimbo is a description of a stance: arms and legs flung out haphazardly (or sometimes, less chaotically, hands on hips with elbows turned out). Something that’s akimbo is less controlled, less predictable, and less coordinated. It’s an unexpected juxtaposition of body and limbs. Nominated for eight … Continue reading May: Akimbo