All posts by Jill Gross

Compensated Non-Attorney Representation Banned in FINRA Arbitrations and Mediations

On January 11, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a rule change to its Codes of Arbitration Procedure and Mediation Procedure — proposed by FINRA — to bar individuals who are not attorneys from representing parties in the FINRA Dispute Resolution forum. Before the rule change, FINRA banned non-attorney representation in its arbitration and … Continue reading Compensated Non-Attorney Representation Banned in FINRA Arbitrations and Mediations

ADR Scholarship Projects (Jan. 2024)

From BFOI Peter Reilly (Texas A&M): Let me open this edition with gratitude for Quinnipiac-Yale’s wonderful Works-in-Progress conference that took place in October…huge thanks again to Charlie Pillsbury, Carrie Kass, and Jen Brown for an excellent, fun, and productive conference!!! Ava Abramowitz (GW Law), Ken Webb (Kenn Webb Consulting, LLC) and Jennifer Shack (RSI) This is the fourth update on … Continue reading ADR Scholarship Projects (Jan. 2024)

Latest Edition of Alternatives

CPR’s (International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution) monthly newsletter, Alternatives, recently released its October edition. Here is the line-up of interesting articles: International ADR ‘This Train Still Runs’: The Railway Case that Defines Arbitration Legislation and Practice By Adam Samuel CPR News Waxman Will Depart CPR At the End of October By Russ Bleemer  … Continue reading Latest Edition of Alternatives

AAA Accepting Applications for Diverse Student Summit

I am posting the following announcement on behalf of the AAA The American Arbitration Association® (AAA®) is the global leader in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and as such, is committed to the growth of diversity and inclusion within the ADR field. Since 2009, the AAA A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. Fellows Program has provided training, networking, … Continue reading AAA Accepting Applications for Diverse Student Summit

AALS-ADR Best Article Award of 2023

From Deborah Eisenberg (Maryland): Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the AALS ADR Executive Committee, I am pleased to announce the winner of this year’s “best scholarly article” award:  Mitchell Zamoff & Leslie Bellwood, Proposed Arbitral Disclosure of Social Media Activity, 23 Cardozo J. of Conflict Resolution 1 (2022). The authors will present the paper at the … Continue reading AALS-ADR Best Article Award of 2023

CRQ Call for papers: Lived experiences of conflict resolvers during the COVID pandemic

From Maria Volpe (CUNY) Submission deadline: Friday, 1 December 2023 COVID 19 has had a global impact on virtually everything, including the work of conflict resolvers (Phillip-Jones, 2001). It is important that the lived experiences of those who were engaged in any conflict resolution work as practitioners, trainers, scholars, researchers and teachers be memorialized (Blake, … Continue reading CRQ Call for papers: Lived experiences of conflict resolvers during the COVID pandemic

What About Us? Leading in Law School Using ADR Skills

Last Wednesday’s Legal Educators’ Colloquium of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Annual Spring Conference, this year in Las Vegas, featured some wonderful panels on all things “ADR Law Prof.” Besides reuniting in person with our fantastic community, I also spoke on a panel which focused on using ADR Skills as a law school leader. … Continue reading What About Us? Leading in Law School Using ADR Skills

AAA-ICDR Foundation Presents Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Lessons Learned from Ukraine, May 3rd 6-8pm

From Tracey Frisch, Senior Counsel, AAA: Please join the AAA-ICDR Foundation and grantee Mediators Beyond Borders International for a special presentation by Ukrainian social psychologist, Dr. Iryna Eihelson. The talk will focus on the importance of trauma-informed practices when working with people affected by humanitarian crises. Dr. Eihelson’s observations are informed by her experience as … Continue reading AAA-ICDR Foundation Presents Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding, Lessons Learned from Ukraine, May 3rd 6-8pm

Sign up to hear Andrea Schneider deliver Blank Lecture at Pace on Arbitrator Ethics

On Wednesday, March 1, at 12:45 PM (Eastern), Prof. Andrea Schneider (Cardozo) will deliver the 2023 Philip B. Blank Memorial Lecture on Attorney Ethics at Haub Law School (Pace). RSVP here to attend either in person or via Zoom. The title of her talk is “The Conflict in Arbitrator Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Public Judges … Continue reading Sign up to hear Andrea Schneider deliver Blank Lecture at Pace on Arbitrator Ethics