All posts by Cynthia Alkon

Deadline Extended for Law & Society

The Law and Society Association has extended the deadline for proposals for the next meeting.  The new deadline is December 11, 2012.  The meeting is May 30, 2013-June 2, 2013, in Boston, MA. For more information and the the link to submit proposals see:

Watching the Vote

The international community, through a number of organizations, regularly observes elections in countries around the world.  Election observation is one method of preventing election disputes from evolving into violent conflict, particularly in countries with less developed or less trusted judicial systems.  The hope is that election observation by neutral outsiders will provide a peaceful forum … Continue reading Watching the Vote

Should victims be able to stop plea bargains?

Recently, a teenage sexual assault victim from Kentucky disagreed strongly with the plea deal her assailants reached with the prosecutor and publicly expressed her disapproval, including tweeting the names of the defendants.  The problem was that her assailants were also juveniles and under  Kentucky law,  juvenile proceedings should remain confidential.  After she publicly exposed the defendants’ … Continue reading Should victims be able to stop plea bargains?

Should Mediation go to the Dogs?

Before I joined academia, I brought my dog to work with me, and learned through first-hand experience how he lowered stress levels and made the work day more pleasant. For the results of a study finding dogs decrease stress at work and increase productivity see: Dogs have also been brought into law schools to … Continue reading Should Mediation go to the Dogs?

Yes, there is a right to effective assistance of counsel in plea bargaining

In 5-4 decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court today decided there is a right to effective assistance of counseling in plea bargaining in the cases of Lafler v. Cooper and Missouri v. Frye. In Lafler, the defendant rejected the plea offer due to bad advice by his lawyer, who told the defendant that he could not … Continue reading Yes, there is a right to effective assistance of counsel in plea bargaining