Come to Missouri’s 40th Anniversary Symposium on October 25

The University of Missouri’s Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution will hold its 40th anniversary symposium on Friday, October 25.

It’s entitled, “Dispute Resolution at Forty:  Looking Back, Looking Forward,” and features an indisputably all-star cast.  Here’s the lineup.  The starred characters are Mizzou student and/or faculty alumni.

Welcome:  Paul J. Litton

Remarks:  Ilhyung Lee

Panel I:  The Traditional Non-Traditional Forms of Dispute Resolution

Alyson Carrel ** (double-dip:  JD, honorary LLM)
Andrea Schneider
Sarah Rudolph Cole
Michael Z. Green

Panel II:  How Can the NextGen Bar Exam and Changes in Licensing Promote Innovation in Legal Education?

Brian Pappas *
Kellie Early *
John Lande *

Keynote:  A Conversation with Leonard L. Riskin * with Chris Guthrie *

Panel III:  Emerging Trends:  The Next 40 Years?

Art Hinshaw *** (trifecta:  JD, LLM, faculty)
Cynthia Alkon *
Jennifer K. Robbennolt *
Donna Shestowsky
Rachel J. Wechsler

Reception and book signing of Len’s book, Managing Conflict Mindfully: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Click here for an appreciation of Len and the book.

Registration is free, but required.  CLE credit is offered for free as a part of the symposium.

See you here, I hope.

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