Nevada Will Consider Three-Stage Process to Join Bar

The movement to license lawyers in ways other than simply passing a bar exam is marching on.

According to an article in the ABA Journal:

The Nevada Supreme Court is considering a proposal to shift its licensure process to a three-stage assessment echoing the process for medical doctors.

According to the proposal submitted April 1, candidates for the bar would first take a multiple-choice test during law school, followed by a performance test after graduation and conduct 40-to-60 hours of supervised practice while in or after law school.

Unlike other states that offer various pathways to the bar, “this is not an alternative where people could choose the bar or choose this other way. This would be the pathway,” says Deborah Jones Merritt, a task force member and professor emerita at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.

The article provides a good summary of this movement away from exclusive reliance on bar exams.

Take a look.

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