New Edition of Psychology for Lawyers

The ABA recently published the second edition of Psychology for Lawyers: Understanding the Human Factors in Negotiation, Litigation, and Decision Making, by Jen Robbennolt and Jean Sternlight.  Based on the latest research, it provides insights about perception, memory, judgment, decision making, emotion, persuasion and influence, communication, and the psychology of justice.  It applies these insights tasks to daily tasks of lawyering, including interviewing, negotiating, counseling, and conducting discovery.

It should be useful to lawyers and neutrals in all practice areas as well as psychologists who do consulting or research on legal matters.  Teachers can use it for a stand-alone course or as a supplement to clinics or skills courses.  Here’s Jean’s syllabus for a Psychology and Lawyering course, which can provide ideas about how you might use the book in a course.

The second edition has a lower price than the first edition.

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