We are very fortunate to belong to a very generous community of law school colleagues who teach dispute resolution.
One reflection of colleagues’ generosity is our freely sharing resources with each other. My law school has hosted the Dispute Resolution Resources in Legal Education (DRLE) website to facilitate this sharing. In particular, we have collected and posted syllabi from a wide range of courses.
We last collected syllabi in 2015, and now It’s time to update the collection.
Please email me your syllabi that you would like to share. If you have a newer version of a syllabus that we previously posted, please send it and we will replace the old one.
We have a catch-all section of syllabi in “other courses” and invite you to submit syllabi for any courses related to dispute resolution. We don’t have any syllabi related to technology and ODR and we especially invite syllabi on those subjects.
We also want to create a new section on this webpage for materials helping students handle issues in online instruction. This may be particularly helpful because some courses may be fully or partially online this summer and fall.
Please email me your syllabi and related materials by Friday, June 1. We will post them as soon as we can after that.
Please sign and return this publication agreement. You can sign and scan it or type in your name.
In either case, please fill in the blanks with your name and the title of the material at the top of the form. If you send multiple documents, you can list them all in a single form.
Be well.