Please Share a Resource — and Do it Now

Sharon Press,  at Hamline, sent the following announcement on the DRLE listserv and I want to repeat it and encourage you to think RIGHT NOW what you might share at the ABA conference — in just 10 days.  Yikes!

Professor Bobbi McAdoo and I thought we’d try something slightly different for the Professor Resource Share for this year’s Legal Educator’s Colloquium at the ABA Dispute Resolution conference. Because the online portal for the conference is now widely available, if folks send us brief descriptions of resources ahead of time, we will have them posted before we meet. Then, our discussion at the conference can be even more thoughtful. Of course, we still encourage new ideas which are generated when we are all together and we will summarize and post after the conference, too.

So far, we have only heard from Noam Ebner (sharing negotiation videos from his recent MOOC; and a simulation for international conflict management) and Carrie Menkel Meadow (detailing the broad and exciting Global Justice Summit developed at UC-Irvine).

Last year’s sharing included TV shows, movies, Marjorie Aaron’s videos, wonderful ideas about teaching cross cultural material and law and psychology topics (Jean Sternlight and Jen Robbennolt’s book), new competitions, etc. … it was all helpful for new and old professors!

So, take a minute to think about what you might share with the group and send it to me asap (this week) so we can post it before we all get to Seattle.