The Mythical Palin Effect–Women Focus on the Message rather than the Messenger

In anticipation of tonight’s debate between the vice-presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, much has already been written about the Palin Effect and what impact nominating Sarah Palin has had on the McCain campaign.  At first, many commentators thought that her nomination would convince former Hillary Clinton supporters to switch parties and vote Republican.  It’s a basic testing of Robert Cialdini’s theory on likeability in a negotiation–we are more likely to be persuaded by someone when we like them or when we are just like them.  

But, while Palin’s nomination is clearly a historic first, that, in and of itself, has actually not resulted in women changing their mind on the issues.  For a great article on this (bias revelation–I dined with said reporter while she was drafting it) see this article from Bloomberg News.  A very funny take on the Palin Effect was on the Colbert Report last week and on the Daily Show last night as well when Kristen Schaal takes over hosting duties from Jon Stewart and then tests out her skills interviewing Gideon Rose, the managing editor of Foreign Affairs.  Besides the skit being hilarious, I want to give a shout out to Mr. Rose for being such a good sport.  (His dad, Daniel Rose, author of a chapter on business ethics in The Negotiator’s Fieldbook, must be so proud!) 

And so, as we watch tonight, I’ll be curious to see how much focus we have on the message and how much focus we have on the messenger.  Perhaps we have seen the limit of the likeability factor?     

6 thoughts on “The Mythical Palin Effect–Women Focus on the Message rather than the Messenger”


    ALSO I would like to add that Biden is just an old general run of the mill polical washout that is out for himself and his pocket and not the American People. Seems lke it was said he was against Obamba in the beginning and some of his beliefs “WHAT HAPPENED THERE THAT HE CHANGED, SHOWS YOU WHAT CAN CHANGES YOUR MIND AND EVERYTHING ELSE “HE BELIEVES IN HIMSELF AND WHAT HE CAN GAIN!!!!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

  2. I love Sarah Palin for her down to earth logic + I think she is smart as well as likeable , I believe she is very, very capable of running our great country . Who do these Washington and media jerks think they are fooling we as Americans are not stupid, we see through the nonsense and the bashing of Sarah. I think McCain made a wise choice and I hope the people sees this, Obambam has a hidden agenda and who is he to brag about what he has done! What has he done except follow the leaders in Washington, he does not have an original thought except what he is programed by the OLD Political codgers in Washington. Sarah is a Govenor and has done very well. I am a female Police Officer in a small town and have worked going on 25years and I know how backstabbing , jealous men can be, I do my job well and the citizens support and depend on my judgement and call me at home before they call a duty male officer because they trust me. And I do not blame Sarah for wanting her Brother -in -law our of Law Enforcement what kind of officer would Tase a young child and try to pass it off as training, 50,000 volts I can tell you now that if one of our officers did this he would be gone in a heartbeat especially his own family this officer was running wild and sounds like mad at the family AND “HE IS THE ONE THAT ABUSED HIS POWERS AND OVER STEPPED HIS AUTHORITY”. NOT SARAH!!SEE IT FOR IT IS.
    Obambam insults our country and it was plain for all to see when he woukd not Pledge our Flag and turned his back and woukd not swear on our Bible does this not come to the surface from the beginning it was a picture for all to see. What is wrong with this picture Obambam is a Muslin with ties to people whio have connections with the wrong people “can you say terrorist!!!! He believes in live late term abortons , that is babies aborted at near term 6 to 7 months that are left after birth and let die when they could be saved this alone goes against the Americans grain and what we stand for. our children are our future so think about how they will be affected by this man if he is elected President. He lies and talks out both sides of his mouth and if is elected we will all pay I cannot believe the American people can be so gullible.

    Tell me what is wrong with a female hunting and shooting a gun, I am a Police Officer and female and I own enough guns to stage a stand off with our local agencies. I do not hunt animals as I am an Animal lover and work with the Humane Society . What is the difference in Sarah hunting then these old coots going to a canned hunt where they have animals of all kind penned in an enclosure that comes from zoos and other sourses and these old coots go in and shoot these animals and make trophy’s out of them and they walk right up to you as some of them are tame and then these old coots tell another lie that they went to Africa or somewhere and shot the animal.
    Tell me Which is worse an the very least Saah shot her Moose legally as in the wild and natural habitat.


    I hope the voters thinks this through before voting for this hippocrate.

    McCain /Palin the only way to vote!!!! FOR THE CHANGE WE NEED!

  3. I think we have seen the limits of the likeability factor in this campaign. The evidence is right in the recent polls. I think it is incredible how Palin’s number’s took a nose dive in the month since the Convention, which tends to show that part of her high scores came from the likeability factor (since few had heard of her before her nomination). Once America got to know her, either people realized that she is not like them at all or that she’s just not likeable.

  4. I also though Kristen Schaal was great on the Daily Show, and she’s a big reason why Flight of the Concords is awkwardly hilarious. As far as limits on Palin’s likeability factor, I think that it will actually hurt her come voting time. Palin may be likeable as an average American but I cant see how her charm will survive the scrutiny of one-on-one interviews where she has to answer questions without being prepped. Every time she’s had such an encounter (ABC, CBS interviews, and guy-on-the street in Philadelphia) she’s shown that she either cannot come up with a definite answer, or she just does not understand the question. Out of those two options the latter one scares me much more.

  5. I just want to say that I believe that, last night, was the first time the phrase “I’d like to give a shout out” was used in national executive (or as some may say executive/quasi-legislative) debate.

    As a person who often gives shout outs, and is a recipient of shout outs (as opposed to references, citations, or being pointed at), I now find Palin more likable. Also, I heart buzzwords.

    Shout out and extra creds to all my D-R Homies in the M-K-E, y’all!

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