Upcoming Election ADR Event

In an earlier post, I mentioned that my colleagues at Ohio State are working on a new form of ADR — Election ADR or EL-ADR. Readers may be interested to know about an Oct. 20 (at 10:00 a.m.) event co-sponsored by Election Law @ Moritz, the AEI-Brookings Election Reform Project, and Georgetown’s Supreme Court Institute.

It will be the oral argument in a simulated McCain v. Obama adjudication. The panel of retired jurists to adjudicate the hypothetical case is David Levi, Thomas Phillips, and Patricia Wald. The two advocates are Glen Nager and Walter Dellinger.

The exercise will test whether a specially structured election court, designed to be neutrally bipartisan, can resolve lawsuits over election results in a way the public more likely will perceive as fair and impartial. The hypothetical case concerns provisional ballots cast in Colorado: whether or not to count them will determine which candidate wins the White House.

More details about this event, the participants, and the scholarship that underlies it are here: http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/comments/articles.php?ID=1897

The general web page for the project is here: http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/electioncourt/

One thought on “Upcoming Election ADR Event”

  1. Considering how our current political process violates nearly every rule of Principled Negotiation, this seems like a worthwhile effort.

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