Kuttner on the Works-in-Progress Conference

The 5th Annual AALS ADR Section Works-in-Progess Conference took place at Creighton University Law School in Omaha earlier this month.  Ran Kuttner was the conference organizer and, according to all who were there, did a great job.  Here are Ran’s reflections on the conference and kudos to him and the rest of the crew at the Werner Institute. … Continue reading Kuttner on the Works-in-Progress Conference

The Future of Summary Judgment, Arbitration and the Jury Trial Right

I just read an interesting keynote speech by Suja Thomas, a law professor at the University of Illinois. In the speech (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1960032), Professor Thomas discusses access to courts and juries before and after the summary judgment trilogy. Professor Thomas also discusses the impact of the Supreme Court’s recent arbitration jurisprudence, specifcally, the Concepcion decision. She … Continue reading The Future of Summary Judgment, Arbitration and the Jury Trial Right

Interested in Hosting the AALS Dispute Resolution Section 2012 Works in Progress Conference?

The AALS Dispute Resolution Section is seeking a host for the 6th Annual Works-in-Progress Conference in the fall of 2012. The WIP Conference has proven to be quite successful, and it has quickly become one of the “must attends” in the ADR field.  Attendees at the recent conference at Creighton  reported that Creighton and the … Continue reading Interested in Hosting the AALS Dispute Resolution Section 2012 Works in Progress Conference?

Supreme Court Rules that State and Federal Courts Must Enforce Arbitration Agreements Even When Nonarbitrable Claims are Present in Complaint

On November 7, the Supreme Court ruled, in a per curiam opinion entitled KPMG LLP v. Cocchi, http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/10-1521.pdf, that a state court must order arbitrable disputes to arbitration even if the plaintiff’s complaint contains both arbitrable and inarbitrable claims. Affirming the strong federal policy in favor of arbitration, the Court stated that, “state and federal … Continue reading Supreme Court Rules that State and Federal Courts Must Enforce Arbitration Agreements Even When Nonarbitrable Claims are Present in Complaint