All posts by Cynthia Alkon

Two new articles

Professor Deborah Eisenberg, the Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, has two new pieces: The first is about using restorative practices at the organizational/employer level for employment discrimination: “The Restorative Workplace: An Organizational Learning Approach to Discrimination.” The link is: The second … Continue reading Two new articles

Restorative Justice to Handle Sexual Assault Cases at Universities?

Yesterday the NY Times published an editorial recommending the use of restorative justice as one approach to handling sexual assault and other types of misconduct at universities.  See the editorial here. I think there can be great advantages to using restorative justice processes in a variety of settings.  My concern is that we have seen … Continue reading Restorative Justice to Handle Sexual Assault Cases at Universities?

International Dispute Resolution Resource Center Roster Sign-up

The following is from Professor Nancy Welsh, a FoI, and the Chair-Elect of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section: Dear Colleagues, I am writing to you on behalf of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section.  Long active in supporting initiatives aimed at fostering the growth and quality of conflict resolution programs and education in the U.S., the … Continue reading International Dispute Resolution Resource Center Roster Sign-up


When I lived in Los Angeles it felt like some stranger or another was constantly ordering me to “smile!” I was a criminal defense lawyer with the Los Angeles Public Defender which meant I regularly struggled with seeing people at their worst, seeing tragedy, and incredible ugliness. Not exactly the kind of working world that … Continue reading Smile!??