Unlike other transitions taking place across the country these days, I am pleased to report that the AALS ADR Section has successfully, peacefully and without tweet transitioned its leadership from fellow blogger and Academic Dean Cynthia Alkon (Texas A&M) to me (Jill Gross, Pace). On behalf of the Section, thank you Cynthia for your service and leadership. You are a tough act to follow!
Congratulations are also in order to Ellen Deason (Ohio State) who was unanimously elected as our new Chair-Elect! I look forward to working with her this coming year on Section activities.
It was great to see many friendly faces at our Section’s program yesterday on Comparative Commercial Arbitration. I learned a tremendous amount about commercial arbitration in Latin America from Manuel Gomez (FIU), in India from Hiro Aragaki (Loyola-LA) and in Hong Kong, mainland China and other countries in East Asia from Shahla Ali (U Hong Kong). It was interesting and eye-opening to hear that the U.S. commercial arbitration landscape is fairly irrelevant to those countries/regions, and the many controversies facing arbitration domestically do not exist in those areas. We should learn more from those examples.
Here’s to other smooth transitions!
Many thanks to the amazing Jill and Cynthia for your wonderful work this past year. And welcome, Ellen — we are so lucky to have you at the helm!