ABA DR Ethics Committee: Neutrals and Social Media

From FOB’s Kristen Blankley and Erin Archerd on the really interesting work of the ethics committee–good example to use in class too!

Is writing about your practice online a bad idea?  What cautions should neutrals consider or what limits should neutrals place on their discussion of sessions and clients on the Internet?

The ABA Dispute Resolution Ethics Committee met in July to discuss ADR ethics and social media, using as jumping off point the ABA DR Ethical Guidance Committee’s decision regarding a mediator’s online posting about a recently completed mediation.  You can read the Committee’s full decision here:  http://apps.americanbar.org/dch/committee.cfm?com=DR018600&edit=1 (As a side note for educators, these ethical guidance opinions are a great source for hypotheticals and exam questions.)

The mediator’s post read: “Whew! Just settled my first Superior Court civil mediation. A case involving a non-English speaking elderly client, who really really didn’t want to have to go through trial. Possible jury verdict could have been zilch to around $80k. I got her $50k.”

In crafting their opinion, the Committee on Mediator Ethical Guidance initially focused on the confidentiality issues raised by the post, but upon further reflection issues of impartiality came to the fore.  The Ethics Committee agreed that such postings raised impartiality issues, but quickly found themselves pondering a broader question – what kind of posting is appropriate by a neutral about a session? – and a more specific question – is there something neutrals can include in their disclosures to clients that covers posting on social media?

There was a broad range of comfort levels among the committee with posting on social media.  While most members agreed that the post featured in the Ethical Guidance crossed the line ethically, most members thought a more neutral posting, e.g. “mediated settlement in alleged personal injury in ridesharing complaint,” was ethically acceptable.  Still, several members of the committee found the practice of posting about sessions commercially, if not ethically, risky, even with more neutrally worded posts.

What consumed a greater part of our discussion was whether a neutral’s use of social media posts were something that should be included in disclosure forms.  Some neutrals include a disclosure about their use of social media sites such as Linked In.  For example, Ruth Glick uses the following social media disclosure:

I use a number of online professional networks such as LinkedIn and group email systems.  I generally accept requests from other professionals to be added to my Linked In website but I do not maintain a database of all these professional contacts and their connections which now number over 500.  Linked In also features endorsements, which I do not seek and have no control over who may endorse me for different skills. The existence of such links or endorsements does not indicate any depth of relationship other than an online professional connection, similar to connections in other professional organizations.

In considering whether to endorse or allow others to endorse us on Linked In, the committee members took a variety of approaches.  One member commented that you can turn off endorsements if you want to avoid any appearance of partiality through endorsements.  Another member mentioned that allowing someone to endorse you allows that person to see your own contact list, which may not be desirable.  One family mediator on the committee frequently found herself declining to endorse parental advocacy groups on Linked In.

We also considered what sort of exceptions to confidentiality ought to be used when portions of real-life sessions will be discussed for research, teaching, or reflective group purposes.  Prof. Susan Exon (University of La Verne College of Law) gave an example of language used by a local agency at which she placed student mediators, which initially appeared to effectively block any substantive discussion of mediations among her Mediation Practicum students.  She proposed, and the agency accepted, some additional language (underlined below):

The mediations that the Student Mediator observes, participates in, or conducts shall remain private and confidential, and the Student Mediator shall maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained by the Student Mediator during the course of any such mediation. The Student Mediator shall not discuss any mediation that they observe, participate in, or conduct, including but not limited: the subject matter of the dispute; the parties’ positions, attitudes, or negotiating strategies; the outcome of the mediation; or the mediator’s impressions about the parties, their positions, attitudes, or behaviors, or the outcome of the mediation with sufficient particularity to allow a non-participant to the mediation to identify the parties or dispute being discussed. The Student Mediator shall also seek to ensure that the parties to the mediation understand and agree to maintain the confidentiality of the information they obtain in mediation. The obligations of confidentiality contained in this paragraph apply both during and after the time period of the Practicum.

We are curious about what language others have seen about what can or cannot be disclosed about a mediation and to whom.  This issue will only become more salient as more mediators turn to reflective practice groups in order to continue to develop their mediation skills well past mediator’s initial training periods.

The Ethics Committee will be sponsoring a panel on mediator disclosures for the 2017 ABA Dispute Resolution Conference and we would love to hear your thoughts or questions you have been considering regarding disclosures.  Please reach out to Kristen Blankley ( Kristen.blankley at unl.edu) and Erin Archerd (archerer at udmercy.edu) or comment below with thoughts.

4 thoughts on “ABA DR Ethics Committee: Neutrals and Social Media”

  1. The primary competing interests at play according to the post seem to be (1) the need to protect client confidentiality, one of the primary goals of and appeals of the mediation process; and (2) the need to disclose some aspects of mediation for purposes of either a mediator’s professional promotion or to use the mediation as a teaching or research tool. Both goals can be protected without detriment to the other.

    First, mediators are professionals. As professionals, they should be given the professional discretion to determine the nature and extent of their online presence. With that discretion, however, comes the duty to maintain client confidentiality and the appearance of impartiality and accept the consequences for failing to do so. It would be difficult to dispute that social media is here to stay. Banning mediators from promoting themselves in an online forum would be impossible to enforce and potentially detrimental to the mediator’s professional and financial interests. I love the idea of including online presence in the disclosure form, which informs parties of the mediator’s online presence and allows them to conduct research before choosing the mediator if the prospective mediator’s online presence is important to the party. Also, LinkedIn is an important professional tool that presents potential partiality issues. As the article notes, this issue can be resolved in two ways: by turning off endorsements or by including in disclosures that an endorsement’s significance should be viewed with caution. Options exist for mediators to maintain an impartial online presence while protecting their clients’ confidentiality.

    Second, there is great value to be gained by allowing students to view mediation and using portions of mediation for research and professional development. Mediation is a necessary tool in the field of dispute resolution, and hindering its ability to attract new practitioners or hindering current mediators from advancing their skills should be avoided. Blanket enforcement of confidentiality at all costs would pose a significant obstacle to mediation growth and development. That said, confidentiality is frequently a primary reason parties pursue mediation that should not be devalued unnecessarily in the name of learning opportunities. Like online presence, there is a reasonable solution-restricting students’ ability to discuss confidential information observed during a mediation and preventing mediators from disclosing mediation facts that would breach the confidentiality of the parties.

    With a little forethought and professional discretion, mediators can successfully protect party confidentiality, maintain impartiality, and continue to grow professionally and as a field online and beyond.

  2. Social media does present many challenges to client confidentiality. The main problem is that everything posted is accessible to so many people, which has never been a problem before.

  3. Thanks, Erin, for taking the time to write this post. If anyone reading wants to join the Ethics Committee, we would love to have you!

    1. Hi Andrea & Kristen & Erin—Thanks for this post & discussion. Social media platforms provide a new environment to test & stretch & reinforce what we know (think we know) about confidentiality, neutrality/appearance of neutrality. Great material for teaching programs–for advanced as well as entry-level sessions. Thanks. As a practitioner, I personally feel no tug to post stats or “success stories” on social media, but I see that some do—Makes me uncomfortable–Your piece gets to the heart of why that’s so. I do pause when I receive linked-in invitations from counsel or party principals…When in doubt, I don’t accept….Ruth Glick’s sample language/disclosure is an option worth considering. Thanks for including it. (Thanks to Ruth as well!).

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