How NOT to get someone to read your law review article

OK, we all send reprints to each other, and that’s good.  And many of us scribble little personalized notes to each other on the reprints, and that’s good, too.  In theory, though, the personalized note should cause the recipient to want to read the article in question.

Below is an example of not that:


9 thoughts on “How NOT to get someone to read your law review article”

  1. According to the most common red t-shirt I saw yesterday afternoon at the Rose Bowl, I am to understand that Bucky has had relations with my mother.

    I have not yet conferred with Mom about this matter.

    Nevertheless, the afternoon was, as you might imagine, outstanding. I hope that neither team has to wait another 95 years before doing this again.

  2. Enjoy the game – Ducks are favored to win, and to paraphrase You Tube Badgers are known to take what they want. . .

  3. You’d think there would be a friendly bet between Deans but perhaps that is all happening behind the hooded veil according to protocol… 🙂

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