Which Law Schools are Looking to Hire ADR Profs ?

The AALS Placement Bulletin, which provides the hiring announcements for all the law schools across the country, is hot off the presses.  Based on a quick review of the bulletin last night and requests I’ve received for names of candidates, the market for ADR law profs looks pretty good this year.  If anyone knows of any other schools hiring in our field or if I’ve inadvertently left any off, please let us know in the comments section.

Entry Level or Experienced Postitions:

BYU (Negotiation), Case Western (Civil Litigation and Mediation Clinic), Hofstra (ADR), LSU (International Litigation and Arbitration), Missouri (ADR), Nebraska (ADR), and Texas Wesleyan (ADR)

Experienced Postitions only:

North Carolina (Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiation), and Colorado (Endowed Chair in experiential learning, which can be based on a number of fields including ADR)

Good luck to everyone on the market this year !!

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