What Law Firms Say and What They Actually Mean…

Now that classes have started and the interview season is upon us, it’s always interesting to examine what law firms will do to be attractive to law students.  As a creative method to demonstrate to law students that they truly are different, Halleland Lewis in Minneapolis developed an interactive website to demonstrate the questions and answers in a typical law firm interview.  First, this website is hilarious and bravo to them for breaking the mold.  Second, this is a great example of ostensibly understanding the difference between what people say and what they mean.  Finally, if Halleland actually has the work environment that they describe, it sounds as it problem-solving, teamwork and collaboration are all valued.  I think I know some students who should be calling you shortly! 

2 thoughts on “What Law Firms Say and What They Actually Mean…”

  1. I agree, this website is hilarious (and I love the “Clueless” sticker that gets slapped across the guy’s mouth). Although I understand why a big law firm is probably not anything like they claim to be, I still appreciate the fact that the firm is trying to be a little more “real” with students. Why bother with the stuffiness for the sake of trying to exude prestige or importance? I’d hope that firms understand that most of us see right through that.
    Even though what the firm is actually saying is that their programs, salaries and work environments are different from other traditionally large firms, it is possible that what they mean is that they are committed to and invested in bringing in new lawyers and helping them shape their futures. Whether or not that is true, it is a comforting thought for new lawyers and law students looking for jobs in a tough market.
    I think you can either take a really cynical view of this site and say to yourself “I’m not buying what they are selling” or you can believe them and truly feel that they will take an interest in you and appreciate you if you work for them. I guess in the end, it all depends on what kind of a person you are!

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