Dispute Resolution in the Year 2050 (Or Maybe Just 2025)

As the Chair-Elect of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), I’m responsible for organizing the Section’s workshop for its annual meeting in January, 2009. I’ve had the good fortune to work with a wonderful group of colleagues (including my fellow bloggers) on this project. We’ve decided on a futuristic focus, so the current working title for the program is: “Dispute Resolution in the Year 2050 (Or Maybe Just 2025) and Preparing Our Students For It.”

We’ve got a title. Now we need the program.

So, Dear Reader, what do YOU think the future of dispute resolution will look like? Is your vision optimistic or pessimistic? Do you have a favorite visionary guiding you? Clearly, the forces of globalization and rapidly-changing technology will affect dispute resolution—but how? Are there other forces that are likely to play significant roles? And where do lawyers fit in this picture?

I look forward to your comments.