A Fourth U.S. Supreme Court Arbitration Case This Year

Today, the Supreme Court granted cert in a FOURTH arbitration case.  Many years have passed since the Court granted cert in this many arbitration cases.  The case, Vaden v. Discover Bank, 07-0773, will answer an important question about federal courts’ jurisdiction over disputes subject to an arbitration agreement that do not raise a federal question directly.  

SCOTUS blog reports as follows: “[t]he Court agreed to decide whether a suit seeking to enforce an arbitration obligation under state law is within the federal court’s jurisdiction, when the attempt to compel arbitration does not directly raise a federal question.  The case involves an attempt by a credit card issuing bank that sought to compel arbitration of a class action lawsuit in Maryland, growing out of an alleged failure to pay a credit card balance.”

More to come soon…


Sarah Cole 

4 thoughts on “A Fourth U.S. Supreme Court Arbitration Case This Year”

  1. I would like a copy of Mr. Szalai’s article
    the Federal Arbitration Act and Jurisdiction
    of the Federal Court. I am writing a brief for
    a case pending in the Seventh Circuit. I represent
    an employee of American Express who filed
    in the District Court following the EEOC
    proceeding for sexual harassment. American
    Express is trying to dismiss the District Court
    case and time bar the arbitration. The employee
    signed document at the time of her employment
    not knowing what she was signing and never
    receiving copies. Can you provide me with a
    link to you article? LS

  2. Sarah – is there a listing of *** ALL *** of the arbitration matters that the Supreme Court has ruled on?

    I will be filing one pro-se next week wherein an Arbitrator ‘overturned the ruling of a US BK Court Judge’ and refused to enforce specific orders of property sales from the US Bankruptcy Court or hear claims as to actual ownership of a property seizure matter.

    Todd Glassey

  3. Hi Sarah –
    In case anyone is interested, I wrote an article examining the FAA issue raised in the Vaden case: The Federal Arbitration Act and the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, 12 Harv. Negot. L. Rev 319 (2007).

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