Securities Arbitration and the Arbitration Fairness Act

On May 5, I reported on this blog about the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009, now introduced into both the Senate and the House to amend the Federal Arbitration Act to invalidate pre-dispute arbitration clauses in consumer services, franchise and employment agreements.  As currently drafted, it is unclear whether the proposed Act would cover PDAAs … Continue reading Securities Arbitration and the Arbitration Fairness Act

Law Professors’ Forum: Mediation Shop Talk – Grading in Mediation Clinics

Here’s another summary of info from the Legal Educators’ Committee’s program entitled Law Professors’ Forum: Mediation Shop Talk, which was part of last month’s ABA DR Section’s annual meeting in New York.  The Forum was split into three separate presentations: a general “plenary” session, the notes for which Andrea posted on May 9th, a clinical section devoted to … Continue reading Law Professors’ Forum: Mediation Shop Talk – Grading in Mediation Clinics

Restorative Justice in Texas and Beyond

This week academics and practitioners will join together at the 2nd National Conference on Restorative Justice:  “Mainstreaming Restorative Justice: Empowering Communities, Restoring Responsibility” at the University of Texas at San Antonio, on May 13-15, 2009. According to the website:  “The National Conference on Restorative Justice will feature four primary program tracks.  These tracks are: Academic and Research, Faith and … Continue reading Restorative Justice in Texas and Beyond

Ohio Supreme Court Rules that Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement is Enforceable

Yesterday, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that an arbitration agreement contained in a nursing home contract is enforceable because the 95 year old signatory, Hayes, voluntarily signed it and her signature was not a precondition to her admission to the nursing home. The case, Hayes v. Oakridge Home, Slip Opinion No. 2009-Ohio-2054, focused on whether … Continue reading Ohio Supreme Court Rules that Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement is Enforceable

Supreme Court decides appealability under FAA

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, resolved a circuit split involving the Federal Arbitration Act.  In Arthur Andersen LLP v. Carlisle, 2009 WL 1174853 (May 4, 2009), the Court interpreted section 16(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Arbitration Act, which provides a right to interlocutory appeal from “an order … refusing a stay of any action … Continue reading Supreme Court decides appealability under FAA