Call for Proposals – ABA Dispute Resolution Section Conference

The ABA’s Dispute Resolution Section has just issued its Call for Proposals for the Section’s annual meeting next April in San Francisco.  A copy of the Call for Proposals can be seen here, and the proposal form can be accessed here.  As an fyi, priority is given to proposals that introduce new and innovative concepts, … Continue reading Call for Proposals – ABA Dispute Resolution Section Conference

What are their interests? Negotiating with North Korea

North Korea recently sentenced two U.S. journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, to 12 years of hard labor for illegally crossing the North Korean border.  By all accounts imprisonment in North Korea, especially in a labor camp, is horrible and potentially life-threatening.  The question now is whether their early release can be negotiated.    This … Continue reading What are their interests? Negotiating with North Korea

Development and Outcomes of Investment Treaty Arbitration

Professor Susan Franck at Washington and Lee has an interesting new paper about investment treaty arbitration that just hit SSRN.  The paper disputes assertions of certain governments (like Bolivia and Ecuador) that suggest the investment treaty process is unfairly tilted against the developing world.  In addition it makes a case for using ADR and Dispute … Continue reading Development and Outcomes of Investment Treaty Arbitration

Are Ombuds Offices Expendable?

I just learned that my University is closing its Ombuds Office, to save resources in these tight times, and instead is spreading out its functions among various related offices (student complaints to Dean of Students Office; employee disputes to Human Resources, etc.).  It seems to me that this economically-driven decision clearly undervalues dispute resolution.  While those … Continue reading Are Ombuds Offices Expendable?

The Obama Administration’s Plan for Securities Arbitration

From p. 72 of the Treasury Department’s Financial Regulatory Reform blueprint (entitled “A New Foundation: Rebuilding Financial Supervision and Regulation”) released today: The SEC should study the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in investor contracts. Broker-dealers generally require their customers to contract at account opening to arbitrate all disputes. Although arbitration may be a reasonable … Continue reading The Obama Administration’s Plan for Securities Arbitration

Elections and Dispute Resolution – A Card Game

In contrast to the election turmoil occurring in Iran, an interesting alternative for settling an election occurred in suburban Phoenix yesterday.  The City of Cave Creek recently had an election for their city council and two candidates had a runoff election for the last council seat.  They ended up tied with 660 votes each.  How did … Continue reading Elections and Dispute Resolution – A Card Game

Supreme Court grants cert in another FAA-related case

Today, the United States Supreme Court granted a cert petition in Stolt-Nielsen S.A., et al., v. Animalfeeds International Corp., 548 F.3d 85 (2d Cir. 2008).  The Court agreed to decide the question originally presented but ultimately not decided in Green Tree Financial Corp. v. Bazzle, 539 U.S. 444 (2003) — whether imposing class arbitration on parties whose … Continue reading Supreme Court grants cert in another FAA-related case

NPR Story on the “Arbitration Debate”

On Tuesday, NPR’s afternoon news show All Things Considered aired a piece on arbitration.  The piece is interesting, but not favorable.  It shares several compelling stories – a female Halliburton employee who was raped by co-workers in Iraq and has to arbitrate her claims against the company, the Public Citizen study where consumers lost 94% of the … Continue reading NPR Story on the “Arbitration Debate”