New York State Legislature Considers Adding Vacatur Ground

Thanks to the Securities Arbitration Commentator’s Arbitration Alert service, I recently learned that the New York State Legislature is considering legislation to amend New York’s arbitration law to add a specific bias ground for vacatur.  The bill already passed through the State Assembly as A7002A-2011, and has now been introduced in the State Senate as … Continue reading New York State Legislature Considers Adding Vacatur Ground

Sweden’s Rise as International Arbitration Forum

London and Paris are generally regarded as the primary forums for international arbitration in the trade networks built around the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, with major international cities such as New York, The Hague, and Rome also figuring prominently. But this article in the AmLaw Daily highlights the growing importance of Stockholm as a … Continue reading Sweden’s Rise as International Arbitration Forum

Explain This, Professor Fiss

As every reader of this blog should know, Yale Professor Owen Fiss wrote a seminal article entitled Against Settlement, which gave several policy reasons as to why he was (shockingly) against settlement.  When he sees this judicial order, he’s bound to add several more. hat tip: Above the Law

Advice to Obama from an Expert Negotiator

In a blog post today on Forbes, blogger Victoria Pynchon of She Negotiates interviews Carrie Menkel-Meadow on the debt crisis negotiations.  As Menkel-Meadow explains, the current political crisis demonstrates that where self-interest (or party-interest) dominates (if we can’t rule, we’ll ruin) negotiation seeking integrative solutions or bargaining for trades and compromises may be difficult to … Continue reading Advice to Obama from an Expert Negotiator