All posts by Cynthia Alkon

Disgraceful Example of Hard Bargaining in Plea Bargaining

Yesterday the AP reported that prosecutors in Nashville, Tennessee “made sterilization of women part of plea negotiations at least four times in the past five years.” The cases all seemed to involve mistreatment or neglect of children and some involved seriously mentally ill defendants. The article makes it clear that these are just the known … Continue reading Disgraceful Example of Hard Bargaining in Plea Bargaining

On Jimmy Fallon and Finding Common Ground

Forbes recently published an interesting little piece here on why Jimmy Fallon is so liked and successful. Much of the “Jimmy Fallon technique” is basic rapport building while emphasizing the importance of listening. The conclusion of the article is that there are “three lessons to take from Jimmy Fallon: Find common ground with the person you’re … Continue reading On Jimmy Fallon and Finding Common Ground