Latest Articles in Journal of Dispute Resolution

The Journal of Dispute Resolution recently released Issue 2 of Volume 2024.   Here’s a list of the articles in this issue.  Click here to access them.   Take a look.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Agency Administrative Programs by Kristen Blankley, Kathleen Claussen, and Judith Starr

Arbitration and the Mandatory Law Problem: A Mixed Mode ADR Approach by Hossein Fazilatfar

How Can Courts–Practically for Free–Help Parties Prepare for Mediation Sessions? by John Lande


Mandatory Mediation in England and Wales: A Paradigm Shift in Dispute Resolution by McKayla Bogda

We’re Getting SUED??? *emotional* *with proof*:  Using Alternative Dispute Resolution in Child Influencer Disputes by Werthen Gass

Ombuds Programs: How Alternative Dispute Resolution Improves the Lives of Native Long-Term Care Residents by Brett Newberry

Filling the Enforcement Gap: Alternative Dispute Resolution as an Approach to Solving “Copyright” Disputes for AI-Generated Content by Aly Rezek

The Copyright Infringement Threat to X: How X (formerly Twitter) Could Benefit From Licensing Agreements With Arbitration Clauses by Mary Claire Rose

Exempting the FMLA from Forced Arbitration: The Need for Special Consideration of Pregnant and Working Mothers to Achieve Gender Equality in the Workplace by Taylor Trefger

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