Preparing Campus Leaders for the Return to Campus this Fall

Our field has a great deal to offer campus leaders, who involuntarily joined us as dispute resolution practitioners as they dealt with campus conflicts related to the Middle East violence. Many campus leaders are now engaged in contingent planning for a variety of potential fall scenarios. The Divided Community Project will be grateful if you share with your campus colleagues the updated, planning focused, Third Edition of Leading a Divided Campus: Ideas and Illustrations. They might also want to attend the 90-minute virtual “office hours” that the Project will schedule when new conflict-related issues arise. If they would like to be on the email list for these, have access to the videos on conversations during periods of conflict, or obtain copies of campus conflict simulations, they can contact Bill Froehlich at The Project provides all of these resources free, thanks to grants from the AAA-ICDR and JAMS Foundations.

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