New Divided Community Project Resources for Campus Leaders

In November, OSU’s Divided Community Project responded to a request from the AAA-ICDR Foundation to provide student- and campus-focused resources for campus leaders dealing with the effects of the violence in the Middle East.  The project’s first deliverable from their #CampusBridge initiative is a guide, Leading a Divided Campus: Ideas and Illustrations, accessible at The ideas in this guide emerged from campuses across the country.  DCP invites you to use, share or distributed this guide using this link:

Believing that the most meaningful support that can be provided for most students will come from their friends, DCP talked with OSU students and asked about their interest in doing that. Several responded that, though they would like to help out friends who were especially struggling at this time, they did not want to be drawn into arguments.  Through these conversations, and thanks to significant feedback from OSU dispute resolution students, DCP developed this checklist of ideas for students to extend support to fellow students,  Again, feel free to send this checklist for extending support to others for their use.

DCP is now working on additional resources for campus leaders, including a social media toolkit which might reinforce norms of listening, understanding, supporting one another.  If you have ideas regarding resources that might be implemented on campuses, please feel free to reach out to DCP Director Bill Froehlich at

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