Call for Papers: Renewable energy dispute resolution included

I am pleased to post this Call for Papers for a symposium entitled Decarbonizing America’s Electricity Infrastructure which is taking place next fall at Pace. The Call includes a request for papers related to renewable energy dispute resolution.

Pace Environmental Law Review & Pace Energy and Climate Center,  Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

Call for Papers

Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) and the Pace Energy & Climate Center are pleased to announce an upcoming symposium titled: Decarbonizing America’s Electricity Infrastructure at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law in White Plains, New York, on Thursday, November 12, 2020.  The symposium will bring together regulators, policy makers and academics to discuss regulatory and economic aspects of decarbonizing our electricity energy infrastructure.  Topics include:

  • Enhancing utility performance incentive mechanisms to achieve decarbonization objectives, efficiency and social equity;
  • Rate design and utility regulation to promote renewables, energy efficiency, electric transportation and building decarbonization measures;
  • Policies for building a smarter, more reliable and resilient grid;
  • Enabling microgrids for resilience, social justice, and decarbonization;
  • Financing preventative measures for natural disasters (fire, flood, hurricane) in the power grid of the future;
  • Governance models for multi-state collaboration such as the Energy Imbalance Markets and regional transmission operators; and
  • Dispute resolution involving renewable energy projects, including relating to the installation, maintenance and operation of distributed energy resources and ratemaking for transmission line upgrades for renewables.

In addition to keynote speeches by invitation from the organizers, the symposium calls for abstracts of 300-500 words on the symposium topic to Based on abstract  submissions, the organizers will invite speakers to present at the symposium; funding for airfare and lodging is available to invited speakers. All accepted abstracts can further be submitted as papers and, consistent with the below guidelines, published in the Pace Environmental Law Review’s Symposium Issue. Abstract submissions should indicate whether the proposal is for a presentation only or if it will also be submitted as a paper for publication. Preference will be given to those also planning to submit an article for publication in the Symposium Issue. We welcome submissions following the guidelines below.

Abstract Submission Deadline (300-500 words):  May 1, 2020

Selection Notification:  June 1, 2020

Article Deadline:  September 1, 2020

  • Abstract: An abstract of 300-500 words including a copy of the author’s C.V. and the anticipated word count of the final article. The subject line for abstract submissions should read: 2020 Symposium Issue.
  • Length: Articles should be between 6,250-12,500 words (including footnotes) in length.
  • Style: Papers should embody thoughtful academic writing and explore a relevant symposium topic while offering a unique discussion.
  • Citations: All references should be cited as footnotes, following the citation style of the 20th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citations.
  • Format: A table of contents should be included, noting all sections and subsections of the article. All articles should be submitted as a Word document, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

If your abstract is accepted and you will be submitting a paper, the deadline for full articles is September 1, 2020 by 5:00pm EST. Along with a C.V. for each author, please submit abstracts to with the subject line reading: 2020 Symposium Issue.

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