If you didn’t see the blog or the listserv a little over a week ago, you missed the announcements of two major awards. Carol Izumi (UC-Hastings) received the William Pincus Award for outstanding service and commitment to clinical legal education, the highest award the AALS’s Clinical Section bestows. And, Carrie Menkel-Meadow (UC-Irvine) received the ABA Foundation’s Outstanding Scholar Award, maybe the most prestigious award for law professors.
While we do have ADR specific awards, these two awards are open to wide swaths of the law professorate, and the fact that ADR profs won these awards is BIG NEWS. Our field has come a long way, and both have played major roles in its development.
Once again, congratulations to Carol and Carrie – we are proud of your accomplishments and happy to have you in our field. These awards are well deserved.