Profs. Doug Frenkel’s (UPenn) and Jim Stark’s (UConn) recent article Changing Minds: The Work of Mediators and Empirical Studies of Persuasion, 28 Ohio State J. Dispute Resol. 263-352 (2013), has been selected as the outstanding scholarly article of 2013 by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR). CPR, an organization of executives and counsel from the world’s largest companies and global law firms, government officials, retired judges, highly experienced neutrals, and leading academics, was founded in 1979 and has been dedicated to the growth and development of dispute resolution practice and policy ever since.
I heard them present a summary of the article at the ADR Works-in-Progress Conference in the fall and it is truly a fascinating and ambitious empirical study. Congratulations to them both on this well-deserved award!
If you think their article is good, try their video-integrated text book “The Practice of Mediation”. How’s that for persuasion.
My congratulations to them both for this well deserved recognition for an article, an earlier version of which was also presented at the Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop Speakers Series.