AALS ADR Section Breakfast & Session (Friday 1/7) Update

The AALS ADR section breakfast and session will be on Friday January 7th.

They have been relocated from the Hilton.  Unfortunately, they are now in different hotels.

The ADR section breakfast will be in Davidson, Fourth floor level, Parc 55 Wyndham from 7:00 am – 8:30 am.  The ADR section session and section meeting will be held immediately following the breakfast at the Hotel Nikko, the 21st floor, in the Bay View Room. We will give people time to move over from the Wyndham but you may want to come for breakfast earlier than in the past.   The session will be very interactive and we would love your input.

Here’s a summary:

Connecting Doctrinal and Practical Problem-Solving Instruction to Enhance Legal Education

Moderator: Kelly Browe Olson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Bowen School of Law
Jerry Anderson, Drake University Law School
Rachel Croskery-Roberts, University of Michigan Law School
Sean Nolon, Vermont Law School
John Lande, University of Missouri School of Law
Addressing concerns in the Carnegie Report, among others, this session will be a roundtable discussion, with audience participation, of how we integrate practical problem-solving and doctrinal instruction in individual courses and curricula of law schools as a whole. It will include results of research about the extent to which such integration now occurs in law schools. We will also discuss specific ways that faculty have taken initiatives to accomplish this integration in their courses and law schools. Two of the panelists have successfully incorporated practical components into their doctrinal courses and textbooks and the other two panelists are co-chairs of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution’s new Legal Education, ADR, and Problem-Solving (LEAPS) Task Force.
We hope to see you at both of these events in San Francisco.
Happy Holidays, especially for those of you celebrating Festivus.

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