Judge Wayne D. Brazil’s Comments on Court-Connected ADR

On Friday I had the opportunity to hear U.S. Magistrate Judge Wayne D. Brazil deliver the James D. Ellis Lecture at the University of Missouri School of Law.  Judge Brazil is well known in ADR circles as one of the (if not the) most pro-ADR jurists in the country.  His talk was an interesting retrospective of … Continue reading Judge Wayne D. Brazil’s Comments on Court-Connected ADR

What Law Firms Say and What They Actually Mean…

Now that classes have started and the interview season is upon us, it’s always interesting to examine what law firms will do to be attractive to law students.  As a creative method to demonstrate to law students that they truly are different, Halleland Lewis in Minneapolis developed an interactive website to demonstrate the questions and … Continue reading What Law Firms Say and What They Actually Mean…

Another Deadline Extended – AALS DR Section WIP Conference

Because of multiple requests, we are going to extend the submission deadline for AALS Dispute Resolution Works-in-Progress conference.  The original deadline was today at noon, but it is now extended to Monday September 15th at 6pm Pacific time.  The conference itself is scheduled for Friday (all day) and Saturday (morning), October 24th and 25th at … Continue reading Another Deadline Extended – AALS DR Section WIP Conference

Has California Answered Hall Street’s Invitation Already?

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Hall Street opinion in March 2008 made clear that the Court believes that the FAA does not provide a basis for parties to expand contractually the scope of judicial reviews of arbitral awards. But the Court specifically left open the possibility that state statutory or common law might provide a basis … Continue reading Has California Answered Hall Street’s Invitation Already?